Welcome to New Zealand at its Best
“Congratulations on publishing the 2015-16 edition of Organic Explorer.
The book is a terrific collection of New Zealand eco travel experiences ranging from well-known major operators to hidden gems throughout the country.
It’ll be a great travel companion for anyone exploring New Zealand and wanting to hunt out the best eco experiences on offer.
I wish you every success with your book”.
Kevin Bowler
Chief Executive, Tourism New Zealand
Sacred Earth Retreat is a place where the beauty of the natural world can open us up to the hidden beauty of our inner being. Against the dramatic backdrop of Auckland's west coast, Sacred Earth provides a rejuvenating environment for personal retreats, and a perfect setting for group workshops. Above all, we offer a welcome home to the world's earth-based wisdom traditions.
Featuring eco-friendly guest houses overlooking spectacular ocean vistas, our retreat spaces allow direct access to wilderness trails, black-sand beaches, and primal waterfalls. Alongside Karekare's ravishing natural beauty, we also have a gorgeous meditation temple (ideal for yoga), and a magnificent Maori Pou (sacred pillar). Carved from ancient wood, the symbolism of the Pou is particularly significant for it speaks directly to the purpose of Sacred Earth: to restore the living connection between heaven and earth, spirit and nature.
Together with our small community of creatives, we also offer an increasing selection of services, including gourmet vegetarian catering, integrative massage, astrology consultations, plant essence healing, alchemy workshops, wilderness tours, and Himalayan pilgrimages.