Welcome to New Zealand at its Best
“Congratulations on publishing the 2015-16 edition of Organic Explorer.
The book is a terrific collection of New Zealand eco travel experiences ranging from well-known major operators to hidden gems throughout the country.
It’ll be a great travel companion for anyone exploring New Zealand and wanting to hunt out the best eco experiences on offer.
I wish you every success with your book”.
Kevin Bowler
Chief Executive, Tourism New Zealand
Anahata offers an intimate experience with small retreat numbers and close personal contact with resident teachers and swamis who host regular retreats, offering a rich and diverse environment for learning, sharing and evolving.
The daily schedule is conducive to deep inner journeying in a supportive and charged yogic environment. Come and experience practical yoga techniques and integrate them in daily life. The focus is on yogic lifestyle, health, awareness, relaxation and imbibing yogic skills to create balance in every day life through Yoga Solutions for Life™.
Other distinctive aspects of Anahata include eco straw bale and earth buildings, solar power, pure spring water and delicious veges straight from the organic garden.
Our upcoming Permaculture Design Course & Yoga Retreat is 10th - 25th October 2020
Combining Outer Ecology (Permaculture) with Inner Ecology (Yoga)
‘Permaculture’ is an integrated land use design methodology based on ecological principles, with practical application from sustainable household to eco-nation to global restoration. We combine this amazing course with an intimate introduction to a yogic lifestyle.
The Permaculture design concept is an abundant, integrated and practical method of developing the external ecosystem. Yoga is the inner ecology of living consciously, spiritually, and harmoniously in the world. Both concepts complement each other and blend together to develop a sustainable lifestyle within one’s inner self and the outer environment.
This course is the standard residential International Permaculture Design Certificate curriculum, taught in an integrated hands-on way, culminating in a comprehensive land-use design project. Yoga, deep relaxation and meditation sessions will be woven into the daily schedule bringing you a unique course combining inner ecology (yoga) with the outer ecology (Permaculture).
This 15 day course includes practical skill building activities, mini-design exercises, and visits to inspirational properties that demonstrate Permaculture in practice. It takes place in an intentional eco yoga community and incorporates the exploration of ”Deep Ecology” (with Inna Alex), the connection to nature and element themed yoga practices aimed at enhancing personal sustainability that extends out into the wider community.
The Permaculture Course Program broadly covers:
The Yoga Program includes:
Course Location:
Anahata Yoga Retreat is located in a spectacular natural environment, near the Abel Tasman National Park in Golden Bay. Permaculture design certificate courses were among the first offerings at Anahata with the permaculture concepts being integral to its development. Anahata runs on solar power, has four different examples of straw bale and earth buildings, an extensive natural waste water system, organic gardens and orchards. As a work in progress, all who come to the continuing development of this sacred space, whilst learning valuable life skills for the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and society as a whole.
For Full details, please see our website listing: https://www.anahata-retreat.org.nz/event/permaculture-october2020
We also offer many other retreats & events throughout the year, please check our website and events calendar for more info: https://www.anahata-retreat.org.nz/