The ORGANIC GREEN GROCER is renowned for a full range of organic groceries including fresh vegetables and fruit, bread, nuts, seeds, beans, dried fruit, oil, tahini, herbs, spices, pies, yoghurt, milk, meat, fish, chickens, packaged groceries, juice, nutritional supplements, bodycare and soaps, natural cleaning products, garden seeds & plant food. The ORGANIC GREEN GROCER is an agency for W.W.O.O.F (Willing Workers On Organic Farms). The ORGANIC GREEN GROCER can supply bulk fruit and vegies for juicing. The philosophy at the ORGANIC GREEN GROCER is one of organics, health, and sustainability. We encourage environmentally friendly carry bags so please bring one or buy one from our range. The staff at the ORGANIC GREEN GROCER have lots of experience in organics and health food retailing and all are passionate about what we stand for. Come and visit Nelson’s friendly ORGANIC GREEN GROCER ... we'd love to meet you!