Industrial feel yet cosy with custom made wooden furniture; JANKEN offers Japanese cuisine, using as much Organic produce as possible to promote the healthy and eco-friendly dining. Menus include Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free options to Free Range chicken, Free Farm Pork, Grass Fed Beef. JANKEN proudly offers Macrobiotic desserts using no dairy, no eggs, no white flour nor white sugar. Enjoy with our KOKAKO Organic filter coffee, Cold Brew coffee, variety of Organic Japanese tea. JANKEN also offers Organic Sake, Organic Wine, Organic Beer, Gluten-Free Beer, Vegan Beer, also Sapporo and Asahi Beer on tap. Eat healthy, feel good and enjoy the whole experience with us at JANKEN.
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Posted by Leonie on 2013-08-20 11:18:31