Hamilton's Organic Superstore. We stock fresh produce, bulk bins full of whole foods, organic meats, Heuvals organic chickens and Rakaia salmon. Organic cheeses, butter, milk, tofu, tempeh, vegetarian pies etc. We have the most comprehensive range of gluten free products in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty. (Marx Bakery deliver to our door every Friday). Regular deliveries from; Organic Bakeworks, Venerdi, Breadman, Purebread, Dovedale. Our Health & Beauty section offers a great selection and we also stock supplements and remedies. The eco cleaning product section is vast, from Ecover, Earthwise and Ecostore. Plenty of free parking. Open hours 8.30am to 6pm Monday to Friday. 9am to 2pm Saturday. Available all year round? Yes. Payment methods for customers Visa, Mastercard, Eftpos, Cash Directions Take a look at the map. remove component move component up move component down edit component Make a comment here Please wait Post a comment: Your Name Your Message In order to protect against automated posts and spam, please enter the text below spam control image add new component
There are: 1 reviews, with an average rating of out of 5
Posted by Sam on 2016-03-29 10:00:26