
Resources for subscribers of Organic Explorer click here.

For a Series of Articles on tourism, the environment and organic food written for Organic Explorer by prominent New Zealand Authors click here.

Information in these pages covers National Parks, how to care for the environment and  personal care when you are in New Zealands wild places.

Calculate your carbon footprint when travelling in New Zealand with the carboNZero Travel and Tourism Calculator  Read more about information about your carbon footprint and travel.

Our Cultural Tourism section has Maori Tour operators listed as well as links to other Maori Organisations, information on Marae Visits,  Maori Culture, a Glossary of Maori terms and words commonly in use, Maori Language Pronunciation and Maori Place Names.

For a critical perspective on Maori Tourism take a look at this.

There is also general information on public holidays and school terms, banks, money, internet and eco-fashion, insurance and transport.

i-SITE is New Zealand's official network of visitor centres providing you with free,  information on local attractions, transport and accommodation.

isite_logo_1.gifWith over 80 i-SITE Visitor Centres nationwide, staff at the centres can answer questions, give advice and book holiday requirements.

International visitors can call into i-SITE Visitor Centres at Auckland and Christchurch International Airports on arrival and pick up a map listing i-SITE locations throughout New Zealand.