
Welcome to New Zealand at its Best

“Congratulations on publishing the 2015-16 edition of Organic Explorer. 

The book is a terrific collection of New Zealand eco travel experiences ranging from well-known major operators to hidden gems throughout the country.

It’ll be a great travel companion for anyone exploring New Zealand and wanting to hunt out the best eco experiences on offer. 

I wish you every success with your book”.
Kevin Bowler
Chief Executive, Tourism New Zealand 

Wairaurahiri Jet

Wairaurahiri Jet
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We’re fortunate to take our guests into remote & pristine Southern Fiordland, we take you across mysterious Lake Hauroko and down the wild Wairaurahiri River. Through rock strewn rapids - very exciting! Along the river we’ve placed sponsored stoat traps; it’s all part of the adventure to catch the nasty pests. Lunch is included. Sponsor a trap and come along to place it for free! Check out our web site.
NZ $0.00

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